Log in

Click on the extension. It should tell you that you’re not authenticated.

Follow the link to log-in.

Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 10.21.04.png

You should arrive to this page.

Enter your email / password or click on “Continue with Google” if you signed up with Google.

Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 10.22.03.png

Start doing tasks

Once logged-in, you should see the following screen.

Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 10.23.20.png

This is your personalized task backlog.

The prio column is the order in which the tasks will be completed.

  • When new tasks are created, the order is re-computed to account for the new task
  • When another agent starts working on a task, it disappears from your backlog

You can now click on start

Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 10.41.16.png

And it should take you to your backoffice (here, an example with HubSpot)

The blue bar is the Fragment embedded player

The blue bar is the Fragment embedded player

Demo video