Steps to install the browser extension

  1. Go to our extension page (available on Chrome or Edge).
  2. Click on “Add to Chrome”.
  3. This should open the web app to log in. Otherwise head to
  4. Make sure to pin the Fragment extension.
    1. Click on the puzzle sign, to the right of your url bar.
    2. Click on the pin to keep the Fragment icon visible.


Create an account, sign in for the first time

Admins on Fragment can create new users.

  1. You should have recevied from your admin an invitation link that looks like this:

  2. Open your invitation link, you should see the following sign up page

  3. Option 1: If your email is associated with gmail, you can simply do “continue with Google”.

  4. Option 2: Otherwise, enter your email address and choose a secure password.
    You will receive a 6 digit code by email to verify your email address.

  5. You should now be able to login and access the full app.